Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm gonna Jam this!


Blogger Pun said...

haha ur blog realli epitomises the saying " a picture paints a thousand words" u r such a kokster!! wat funny fotos!! haha.. n dun drink too much arhh.. not gd for liver.. n ryan peh v happi u think he's vv nice.. n he actualli think he is shuai!! *faints* hahhha.. so moral of story, pls do not compliment ryan peh further. u can onli pinch his nipples. LOL

11:34 am  
Blogger Daniel said...

hahaha... tell me about ryan peh... he ah... another joker!

I like my blog to be pure pictures. Nice ones ok!

9:09 am  
Blogger Pun said...

eh mi friend, a guy, a straight guy at that, saw our fotos at acid bar on mi blog.. n exclaimed tt u r v gd luking!! he said u r like a model!! n he thinks u r realli gd luking.. haha.. wow. w those kok eye fotos we posed.. he still think u gd luking lei! :) not bad

6:59 pm  

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