Monday, March 05, 2007

Hate and Pain filled me up...

Dear Father,

Will the anger and pain ever go away? Have I tried hard enough? Why does it still keep coming back? Am I just too weak to fight it? Help me...

A wretched child,
Danny Boy


Blogger Am said...

Dearest Danny Boy,

Yesterday I walked past the greenish metallic boxes and stared at the dents and felt each of them.

I guess because I could feel the pain and anger, I began to pray.

I prayed that God will be a comfort to your heart and soul for He is mighty and there is nothing He cannot do. :)

"Your path led through the sea, your way through your mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen."

-Psalm 77-

2:36 pm  
Blogger Daniel said...

Dearest Aimei,

Thank you so much for your prayer... But i have to admit that somebody said something that triggered another bout of anger inside me... but reassured... I won't hurt the metallic boxes no more.

12:52 am  

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